joi, 10 decembrie 2009

Premiul Nobel pentru pace

Iata o imagine luata din Primaria de la Oslo unde in prezenta mai multor capete incoronate azi 10 decembrie-aniversarea mortii lui Alfred Nobel-cel care a inventat dinamita si a stabilit ca averea lui sa fie impartita ca premii,printre ele si premiul pentru Pace-so,ziceam in imaginea luata din Oslo il vedem pe Presedintele Statelor Unite aleAmericii zambind fotografilor cu medalia de aur si cu diploma.Primul presedinte de culoare ale SUA cu premiul Nobel.Aici nu e vorba ca e de culoare sau nu ci faptul ca el este comandantul suprem al fortelor Armate ale SUA,armata care la ora actuala este in razboi pe doua fronturi,Afganistan respectiv Irak.Eu sunt abonat pe site-ul ,drept pentru care am primit mai multe mailuri prin care era anuntata vizita Presedintelui,ma rog masurile de securitate,suma de 11 milioane de euro cheltuita de statul Norvegian pentru securitatea Presedintelui Obama,deci de 11 ori mai mare decat insusi premiul,pe care Obama oricum a spus ca-l va dona pentru scopuri caritabile,si sa revin pe site-ul CNN era un voting daca Presedintele Obama merita sau nu premuil Nobel pentru Pace.La ora 14.30 ora Romaniei,deci cam dupa jumatate de ora dupa ce a inceput ceremonia votasera aproximativ 60000 de oameni dintre care 44% nu erau de acord,iar cei care erau de acord erau decat 25%.Ceilalti au zis ca ar merita pentru o zi.Eu am votat da,merita.Pai daca cei din Comitetul Nobel la vremea aceea au considerat ca Yasser Arafat care a condus la viata lui organizatia terorista Amal,a meritat premiul Nobel de ce nu ar merita Obama?Deci draga Dopsha istoria e foarte ciudata-si aici inchei-ca la noi la televizor se discuta de 4 zile daca au fost sau nu falsificate alegerile.Si eu nu am facut nici o schita scriu ce-mi trece prin cap si ma bruiaza televizorul cu politica romaneasca.

duminică, 6 decembrie 2009

Some pictures with Christiane Amanpour

vineri, 4 decembrie 2009

Christiane Amanpour

Christiane Amanpour born in january 12 1958 in London is CNN chief internatinal correspondent and anchor of Amanpour,30 minute interview show.Shortly after her birth,her father Mohammad an Iranian executive and her British mother Patricia moved the family to Tehran.The Amanpours led a privileged life under the government of the Shah of Iran.She returned to England in 1969 and her family fled from Iran during the Islamic Revolution.She attended and graduated from an all girls school in Chelmsford,Essex,England.Amanpour moved to the United States to study journalism at the University of Rhode Island.During her time there she worked in the News Department at WBRV-FM in Providence,Rhode Island.Amanpour graduated from the University summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Journalism degree in 1983.Amanpour is chief international correspondent based in New York.In her 18 years as an International Correspondent,Amanpour has reported on all the major crisis from the world's many hot spots including Iraq,Afghanistan,the Palestinian territories,Iran,India,Israel,PakistanSomalia,Rwanda,the Balkans and the United States during Hurricane Katrina.Amanpour joined CNN in 1983.In 2007 she was made a Commander of The Most Excelent Order of the British Empire(CBE)by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her "highly distinguished innovative contribution"to the field of Journalism.In 1998 the city of Sarajevo named her an honorary citizen for her"personal contribution to spreading the truth"during the Bosnia war from 1992 to 1995.On september 21,2009 Amanpour started her own daily series,aptly titled ;Amanpour.Amanpour has been married to James Rubin former Assistent Secretary of State and spokesman for the US State Department.I am sure many countries can be proud to have a journalist like Christiane Amanpour.I think in this moments also my country Romania,but the question is where is a CNN in Romania?

luni, 26 octombrie 2009

Different pics with Kristie Lu Stout

Kristie Lu Stout in the USA(Hollywood,Cal.)

In China

This photos except two or thee are taken is South Korea

In Vietnam

Matthew Chance Cnn's senior international correspondent based in Moscow.He has reported exstensively of major stories for CNN's global news networks from the Middle East,Afghanistan,Russia and Chechnya,Europe and the Far East.Chance led coverage of the 2008 Georgia Russia war reporting from the frontlines.With hes team Chance was the only television correspondent to cross from Georgian to Russian territory,filling reports from Tshinkvali the devastated capital of the South-Osetia war zone.When the conflict ended Chance recured an exclusive interwiew with Russian Prime-minister Vladimir Putin.(photo under).Chance is British and attended the U niversity of London where he earned a BA in Archeology and from the school of Oriental and African Studies.More about him on

Rea Samantha from Silliman University a GREAT Matthew Chance fan.This post is dedicated to her!!!!!

miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009


About a CNN fan

Rea Samantha Migullas college student in Dumaguete-city,Philippines,a great CNN fan and brilliant student.

Christiane Amanpour.More about her and activity in another post.

Jim Clancy brings the experience of more than 30 years covering the world to every newcast on CNN I nternational.He didn't just read about the collapse of tbe Berlin Wall,the siege of Beirut the Rwanda Genocide,or all of the Iraq wars.He was there.His career includes reporting on the events that have shaped history over the last quarter century.His interwiews with international personalities reads like a 'Who's Who'of our times.Based on CNN's headquarters in Atlanta ,Clancy currently anchors 'Your World Today'giving viewers updates and context to current affairs throught the eyes of the day's top newsmakers and political analysts.Clancy has traveled extesively in Africa,meeting and interviewing Heads of state In Nigeria,South Africa,Sierra Leone,Algeria,Burundi,Ethiopia,Eritrea,Zimbabwe,Rwanda and more.For his work on Inside Africa he received the A.H.Boerma Award 2000-01 from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for increasing public awareness of hunger in the world.From 1982 to 1996,Clancy was a CNN International correspondent in the Beirut,Frankfurt,Rome and London bureaus.During this time he won with the George Polk Awards for his reporting on the genocide in Rwanda,and the Alfred I. duPont Award for coverage of the war in Bosnia and an Eymy Award for reporting on the famine and international intervention in Somalia.Jim Clancy joined CNN in 1981 as a national correspondent after an extensive,award winning career in local radio and television in Denver and SanFrancisco.More about him on     

Rea Samantha Migullas is an A+ college girl at Silliman University.And she is a great CNN fan.She like CNN from the age of thirteen.She has many favorite anchors and reporters,but here i will present just two of them Jim Clancy and Christiane Amanpour.

The city of Dumaguete is a city of the province of Negros Oriental,Philippines.It is the capital seaport and largest city of the province.Dumaguete is reffered to as a university town because of the presence of seven universities and colleges.The city is best known for Silliman University,the country's first Protestant university and the first American university in Asia.

duminică, 18 octombrie 2009

Nic Robertson

Nic Robertson is a senior international correspondent,based in CNN's London bureau.During more than a decade with CNN,Robertson has been involved in some of the most significant news stories around the world and his experience,knowledge and expertise have established his reputation of one of the finest field correspondents in the industry.Prior to join CNN,Robertson worked for Independent Broadcasting Authority and the UK's TV-AM. A british citizen,Robertson attended Aston University,Birmingham,Dundee College of Technology in Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne Politechnic where he qualified in electrical and electronic engineering.Who is interested about this amazing journalist carreer,can visit the website of

Nic Robertson picture from Facebook.

vineri, 16 octombrie 2009

Monita Rajpal

Monita Rajpal was born in Hong Kong in 1974 and is of Sikh Indian origin.She spent most of her childhood in Hong Kong before emigrating to Toronto,Ontario,Canada.In 1996 she obtained a B.A.A.(Bachelor of Applied Arts)degree in Radio and Television Arts from Ryerson University in Toronto.She joined CNN in Atlanta in 2001,before moving to their London news centre in 2004.She has hosted other CNN programmes such as Design 360 and Global Challenges.Monita Rajpal resides in London.Now here I want to explain to a great fun of this new blog Dyeve:on CNN there are other programs also not only politics.Why I said this right here?Because Design 360 hosted by Monita Rajpal was one of the best programs of this kind of the world media.Monita was so cute being a model and visiting great fashion personalities from all around the world.So Dyeve try to watch CNN!Now today I said to myself to write about my country Romania.There is such a great political crisis!No one care!So I will wait to get a picture and I will care and I promisse to write about all like an ordinary man,citizen,if you like from this problem.I will advertise on Facebook and than if there is two people who care there is a company.So I'm not alone who cares!

This pictures are taken from CNN International

This is a photo of my room.I kiss Monita because I like her so much!